A CDI intermittent is a seasonal employment contract with no fixed-end date used by French employers in France.

Let's find out more about French employment contracts and what they mean:
Employment Contracts in France
Before we dive into the details, let’s define an employment contract. An employment or work contract is a legal document signed by both employer and employee when a candidate is hired. The document lays out the rights and responsibilities of both parties and what is expected on both sides of the working relationship.
The difference between a CDI and a CDD
In France, there are a few distinct types of work contracts. The most common of these is the CDD, a fixed-term contract with a defined start and end date, and the CDI, a permanent contract with no end date.
The CDI, and its security as a long-term contract, is highly sought after in France and increasingly difficult to come by.
In 2022, only 18% of contracts signed were CDI, compared to CDD contracts (82%).
What’s a CDII (Contrat à Durée Indéterminée Intermittent)?
The CDI Intermittent (CDII) is an example of a part-time, permanent contract. The CDII is designed for sectors such as tourism and childcare where employees follow a ‘seasonal’ rhythm of work and vacation.
Where work activity fluctuates throughout the year, the CDII balances out income and ensures the rights and entitlements that come with a work contract continue undisrupted.
How is a CDII salary calculated?
A CDII is calculated using the French legal term 'lissage de salaire' which means ‘spreading’ or ‘smoothing’ the income.
Essentially, the CDII provides employees with an average monthly salary, independent of the real hours worked in a given month. This monthly wage is calculated by adding up the projected number of working hours for the year ahead, and dividing this total evenly over 12 months. This system ensures a continuous income for employees working variable hours, such as during school holidays.
Working as an English Sister (or Brother!) at My English Sister?
Here at MES, our Brothers and Sisters work eight months of the year, with four months of school vacation accounted for. The number of hours our employees are projected to work over these eight months is thus divided into an average monthly salary that spreads over the calendar year (12 months).
For example, if a Brother or Sister works 40 hours per month during the 8 months of term time, these hours will be divided to give an average of 25 hours per month ((40 x 8) ÷ 12).
Minor adjustments for missed sessions or taking on extra cover are reflected in the final payslip, but a regular change means the contract will be adjusted.
The monthly salary thus stays consistent and independent of actual hours worked. So, one month it may feel like you are being paid to be on vacation! Then the next, you may feel like a few of your hours have been missed. However, all your work is accounted for and reflected in your monthly income, as defined by your CDII contract.