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My Erasmus internship in France, an adventure across the Channel

Photo du rédacteur: Francesca SilcockFrancesca Silcock

Dernière mise à jour : 28 juil. 2023

I am from Aberdeenshire (in Scotland) and in June 2020 I graduated from the University of Edinburgh with a French and Spanish degree.

I have enjoyed learning languages since a

young age and I find it particularly rewarding

being able to communicate with locals in

different countries.

During my third year I had the incredible opportunity to study abroad. In August 2018 I packed my life into a (big!) suitcase, hopped on a flight and arrived in Tours, a small city in the Loire Valley. I fell in love with everything about the city, even if the university administration was a headache! (I soon came to learn that the French just really love paperwork).

After four quick months, it was time to move home. In January 2019 I then began my second semester, but this time at the University of Salamanca in Spain where I had an amazing time adjusting to a new culture and lifestyle (who knew the Spanish don’t eat dinner until 11pm?!).

Armed with a new-found confidence and desire to succeed I began my final year in Edinburgh, surrounded by familiar faces again. 4 years, 3 countries, 2 languages and one global pandemic later I graduated with a first-class degree.

But then what...?

I have always loved spending time with children and I am so passionate about languages that I decided it was time to pursue this interest. I took the opportunity during lockdown to start a TEFL course which has equipped me with some useful teaching skills and it was around the same time that I stumbled upon My English Sister. They were advertising for a teaching and childcare assistant intern and I applied immediately. Fast-forward a couple of months and I have moved to Lyon and I am working with Katy and Charlotte.

As I write this I am coming to the end of my second week here and it has been wonderful so far. I am so excited to get more involved in the company and have an impact on the lives of young French people.

After many years learning French and ultimately still not feeling bilingual I have never felt so strongly about ensuring that children learn a language from as young as possible. The younger you are, the more ‘sponge-like’ your brain is et il faut qu’on en profite !

So what will I actually be doing as an intern here?

After sitting down and discussing my experience, career goals and what I, personally, would like to get out of the opportunity, we identified several areas of the business that I could get involved in. I'm really excited to be a part of...

  • Developing the teaching programme, teacher training and a community support system through which the English sisters and brothers can communicate with myself and others.

  • Improving our approach to ensure that children stay engaged, motivated and sufficiently challenged during the sessions. We want to see progress!

  • Improving the recruitment process to ensure that we recruit and retain the best candidates

  • Growing the image and brand of the company both online (website, social media etc) and on the ground, which will include mastering key design and communication tools

This is just a small insight into my role as an intern at MES and I hope to post another update in a few months time as my responsibilities evolve.

If you are currently living or studying in Lyon and thinking about applying, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I can answer all your questions about teaching and working with French kids in this wonderful city.

À bientôt !




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